Monday, July 30, 2007

Discussion of Curriculum Directions over Peanut Butter...

"OK, guys...What would you like to study this school year?"

Max: Pirates!! And Elaine should learn about Princesses!!

Elaine: No, Max...That's history and I don't need to learn history until I'm LOTS older. I want to learn about plants, trees, and flowers.

Max (rolling eyes): Those ARE plants! Zane should learn about the zoo...

Zane: Sure, animals...


Momma: Why?

Max: Because I like aliens a bunch...and I like light sabers a bunch...because of Star Wars...

Elaine: I would like to learn about people.

Max: The INSIDE of people! Like bones and hearts and brains. We could go to a museum!

Elaine: I think a book would be better. He's such a boy!

Zane: Animals. I still say animals. Can we stop by the place that made this peanut butter? It's in New York...

Momma: Yes it is, but it's in Greenwich Village and that's in New York City. We're not going into the city.

Elaine: Auntie MoeMoe doesn't live there. She lives in the TOWN of New York, not the CITY...

At least we have geography covered...

(Check out Peanut Butter & Co. at We especially recommend the "Cinnamon Raisin Swirl" and the "Dark Chocolate Dreams." No sugar, no trans fats. YUMMY!!

1 comment:

Mackenzie said...

Oh, they're so funny! Joe cracked up when I read it to him. Thanks for our el cheapo date ealier!!j